The Cape Elizabeth School Department curriculum fully reflects the vision, mission, and values of the CESD School Board, which places learning at the center of all endeavors and consistently guides our decisions. Cape students advance through a comprehensive and rigorous progression of learning outcomes during their K-12 school experience. The outcomes address the skills and knowledge needed within the breadth of each content area and align with the Maine Learning Results. These critical skills and knowledge are articulated in a scope and sequence that is aligned vertically across levels and ensures all students have access to high expectations, while building towards their continued success as instruction increases in complexity and autonomy.
Each content learning progression identifies grade level learning targets which are developed, reviewed, and revised by teachers, content area specialists, and administrators through an interactive cycle of improvement (Curriculum Review Cycle) to support curricula that is rigorous across grade levels and provides a certified and viable learning experience for all students in Cape schools .
For further information please contact Assistant Superintendent Michelle McClellan.
Cape Elizabeth School Department
Pond Cove Elementary School
Cape Elizabeth Middle School
More information on the Review Process: